Wine Scholar Guild認定 French Wine Essentails資格取得講座(English)
会場 | 青山 |
回数 | 全5回 |
定員 | 名 |
開講日 | 1/1 (木) |
催行決定日 | |
講師 | 未設定 |
コース | Wine Scholar Guild資格取得コース |
振替カテゴリ | French Wine Essentials |
備考 | お申込みをキャンセルする場合は、講座開始日14日前までにご連絡ください。それ以降のご連絡は全額をお支払いいただきます。詳細は申込時に受講規約をご確認ください。 |
The "French Wine Essentials" is a wine certification program offered by the WSG (Wine Scholar Guild), which has partner schools in 130 countries around the world.
This course aims to make the complex world of French wine accessible by covering fundamental wine regions and grape varieties in a clear, approachable manner, with additional focus on French culture, cuisine, history, viticulture, and winemaking principles.
With over 400 AOCs (Appellations d'Origine Contrôlée) in France, "French Wine Essentials" focuses on the most significant among them, divided into four modules: Sparkling, Northern France, Central France, and Southern France. This course serves as an entry point to the highly regarded "French Wine Scholar®" certification program.
Exam Details:
・Exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions (45 min), with no tasting component. Passing score :60%.
・Upon passing, participants will receive a certificate (French Wine Scholar certificate) .
・WSG (Wine Scholar Guild): An educational institution that develops certification programs specializing in French, Italian, and Spanish wines. Headquarters: United States.
・The Wine Scholar® certification exam is based on the latest and most detailed information about wines from France, Italy, and Spain. It is widely recognized and developed for both wine professionals and enthusiasts.
Study Materials:
・Printed material: Textbook
・Online Study Modules: Textbook (e-book), maps, and practice quizzes.
検索キーワード:WSG_全講座_英語 Essentials_全講座 Essentials_英語 Essentials_F_全講座 Essentials_F_英語
Introduction and Sparkling Wines of France
Northern France
Central France
Southern France
受講料 |
66,000円 (税込)
1回あたり13,200円(税込)×5回 |
お支払い | クレジットカード、銀行振込 |
※ はじめてお申し込みの場合は、登録料として5,500円(税込)を申し受けます。翌年以降は、年間更新料:2,200円(税込)となります。申込講座の終了日までに登録期限が切れる場合は、更新料が発生します。 |